Clothes for Kids Non-profit Organization

Clothes for Kids is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, and has been in existence since 1988 providing year-round, high-quality donated clothing, shoes, coats, boots, grooming items, school supplies and more to children in need. All of our services are free of charge.
Sharing is Caring
We are a clothing exchange program open to anyone with children who may be struggling financially. Participants are required to share their outgrown clothing back to the program.
Need Help?
Clothes For Kids is dedicated to helping any family who is in financial distress and in need of assistance. Our efforts are focused on moderate level, low income and working families. We are a community based not-for-profit, nondenominational, non-partisan organization. We do not discriminate according to race, nationality, or religion.
​How to help
Donations of gently used clothing is vital to keep our programs running. All of the funding that supports Clothes For Kids comes from within the communities we serve.

1019 South Spring Street
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
We serve Dodge County and parts of Columbia County. Please make sure you live in our service area before you call.
By appointment only during Covid-19
Call 887-7308 to schedule an appointment
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, our duty has been to reach out to our families, and continue serving our communities, remembering always that where there’s a need, we will be there for the children.